

The central aim of the study is twofold. First, a well-grounded theory of scientific terminology is to be formulated and argued to be formulated and argued for. Secondary, the theory is to be applied to the problem of terminological elaboration of a Bantu language Luganda, whereby conceptual formalisation is the main point of departure. The study is conducted in four stages.
First, a periodic system of conceptual elements is originated taking a general conceptual structure of formal and natural science into account. A conceptual calculus is developed on the periodic system. The calculus and criteria for scientific terminology are fused into a theory of scientific terminology.

Secondly, the scope and nature of conceptual and expressional sharing which is necessary for the terminological elaboration of Luganda are explored with a view of setting the stage for the extrapolation of Luganda expression formation processes.

Thirdly, terminological systems in physics, chemistry, biology, geology and medicine are articulated in Luganda. English and German materials in these fields together with logic and mathematics are translated into Luganda.

Finally, a group of Primary and Secondary school teachers of science and mathematics, and a group of Luganda-speaking linguists are confronted with and exposed to the terminological systems articulated in Luganda together with techniques of coining Luganda expressions. Since the systems and techniques constitute an apparent chasm separating present-day Luganda and full-fledged scientific Luganda, it would be methodologically disputable to test for their acceptability per se.

Logically speaking, successful learning of a problem-solving system is not necessarily tantamount to acceptance of its principles. Nevertheless, the teachers and linguists critically receive the systems and techniques to such an extent that they eventually collaborate with the researcher on a compilation of a school dictionary of science and mathematics.